Victor Villaseñor

Author and Public Speaker

met Victor on a plane, and Victor asked him to read Gathering StarDust three times: The first time I read the book, I was critical of how many names and references to God. It was wordy and repetitive, but still developed a beautiful story with his Mamagrande.The second time I read it, I read it outloud and thought how wonderful it was to give open praises to Papito Dios and not be ashamed of honoring him. The story started to open my view of what it meant to live life as God wants us to. Using and learning the “Original Instructions”.The third time I read it. I read it outdoors, sitting at a park, open to the world. And after learning from Victor and reading this story, I opened my HeartEyes and understood its simplicity. There is no other Verse, except this Universe. We are all one and together under the power of God as he watches us through his Right Eye or Left Eye. Nature and thankfulness become a power long forgotten by the modern world. As a man who has forgotten the church, but has kept his heart open to God, this book is a complement to my personal faith. To be able to talk as the sun rises to give thanks. To appreciate the joy of helping others to perform my little daily miracles.  In summary, it truly was an honor in my life to have met Victor. Reading the book multiple times gave me an emotional connection and helped open my HeartEyes in understanding the message of the book. Humans have a purpose to be good and kind. To be thankful for the miracles and blessings that come upon us daily. The passing of MamaGrande was not a moment of sadness, but a transition of life that can easily be understood. It is never goodbye if you believe their spirit and love is always with you.