Victor Villaseñor

Author and Public Speaker

was an honor in my life to have met Victor

met Victor on a plane, and Victor asked him to read Gathering StarDust three times: The first time I read the book, I was critical of how many names and references to God. It was wordy and repetitive, but still developed a beautiful story with his Mamagrande.The...

A positive message for all ages.

Gathering StarDust helps us realize our Breath is Sacred!!  All living creatures are placed on mother earth to bring spirit to a balance in nature.  This book teaches us living our life in harmony, allows us to see all the Magical events/signs provided by the Creator....

What a gift!

Gathering StarDust is packed full of wisdom and good medicine.  After reading this twice through I found myself greeting the morning sun daily with affection instead of disinterest.  Mamagrande comes to life as a messenger for the power of gratitude in active...

I love it!!

It has wonderful art!! It can be read by my 5 1/2 yr old granddaughter. (She reads very well) I love it!!

so many similarities to my life

I read this beautiful tale of The Stardust. There was so many similarities to my life. I’m part Yaqui and I was blessed to visit the land of my parents every summer. It was so magical to me. Just like Stardust. This Christmas I will buy Stardust for each of my...