Victor Villaseñor

Author and Public Speaker

This book is like a literary hug.

reviewed Gathering StarDust  Goodreads – 5 stars:  Gathering Stardust filled me with such joy the entire time I read it. Villasenor’s relationship with his mamagrande reads like a fairytale, but it’s real! If everyone had been raised with a grandmother like her, we’d...

Loved it!!!

This arrived yesterday. Read it and loved it!!!

Thanks Victor

Mine arrived yesterday. I’m 1/2 way through. I could have read it in one setting because it’s so captivating. But I wanted to savor it. The illustrations are awesome and go just right with the beautifully written words. Thanks Victor.

Thank you for a beautiful story and teachings.

I read mine in one sitting… easy read! I never read this easy… Love the font! Sparked many questions for me. Memories come easy and a sadness that I did not know any of my grandparents because of language barrier and grandfathers died before I was born…I wonder about...