Invite Victor To Speak

A gifted and accomplished speaker, Victor Villaseñor, in his candid and heartfelt manner, brings an exciting, fresh perspective to a number of universal themes, including Pride in Cultural Heritage, Strength of Women and Family, Power of the Written Word, Dedication to Education and Personal Achievement, and World Harmony & Peace. Villaseñor’s acclaimed written works, as well as his inspiring presentations, have earned him numerous awards and endorsements, including the Founding Chair of the Steinbeck Institute.
For information about presentation engagements or multimedia appearances
Please contact Linda Villaseñor Phone: 760-822-2296
Presentations, workshops, and mini tour topics are individually created and designed for one or two days, in-person or virtual. Some suggested topics:
For Students/Parents/Community Organizations/Private Events
- Tools of Genius: Using the whole brain, decision making, and expanding our consciousness beyond the limiting world of five senses
- Biography & Autobiographic Writing: Finding the courage and skill to write your own unique, wonderful, genius-story
- One Race, the Human Race: At one time we were all indigenous people – fearless and wild of heart!
- Family and Quality of Life: Pride in heritage, family, and the power of personal achievement through vision, education, and perseverance.
- Herstory Instead of History: How . . . if women of substance had written the story of humanity, we would see we aren’t the species that we think we are.
- Have Victor join your family reunion or private event.
“I expected you to give us a long, boring lecture and I have to apologize for having such a wrong inclination. I was so stunned that you had effected everyone who listened to you speak. You have no idea how much I appreciate your visit . . .” –Lorna Brennan 9th Grade Class
“After hearing you speak my husband started to question his denial of his heritage. Your words truly reached him in a way that no therapist or I have been able to.” –Carolyn Reed
Teacher & Staff Presentations and Workshops
- Promoting Genius: How to access the Genius in yourself, and in your students
- Cultural Diversity & Response Time: High expectations for all students to succeed and tools to reach them
- Herstory: Her-story and His-story through balanced energies
- Dyslexia: Living and learning through the gift of dyslexia
- Legends: How to make your own personal story into a living legend.
“After hearing him, I was invigorated to get back into my classroom, to embrace my role as an educator with a tighter hug than ever before.” -Kelly Featherstone
“Your speech and your talk at the luncheon have changed the path of my career. I will go on June 10th and take mycertification for ESL and History. I am beginning training in the fall to become a reading specialist.” -Lori Lucas 7th Grade Language Arts
Important: At ‘Did you know that’
- RAIN OF GOLD has been on the CA State Board of Education recommended reading list for grades 9-12
- BURRO GENIUS has been on the New York Public Library Recommended Books for the Teen Age List of 12 to 18 years old
- Students at a Los Angeles high school were caught reading WALKING STARS, RAING OF GOLD, and BURRO GENIUS at recess and after school at the bust stop, and even during lunch.
- One Student at a Bay Area continuation high school, who’d never read a book in his life before, was told that if he just read the first three chapters of RAIN OF GOLD he wouldn’t have to do anything else for the rest of the semester. After reading the first three chapters, he asked if he could read the whole book and he became so excited upon finishing the book, that he had his friends read it and then had his teacher send a letter to Victor to come to their school. Victor went. And now this previously troubled gang member is in college, studying to become a teacher.